Social Media in Buckinghhamshire

Using LinkedIn

How are you currently collating  useful and helpful insights on using LinkedIn?  The “Who’s viewed your profile” page is accessible to both free and premier LinkedIn members and can be used in different ways.

Profile Views On LinkedIn

For free members, you will see who has been viewing your profile, how often your profile was viewed, and how many times your profile came up in search. You can use this to forge new connections, investigate LinkedIn groups that you may have in common or that you haven’t joined, and follow new companies. It is very helpful for expanding your LinkedIn network, and seeing what circles your name is coming up in.

Premium Members on LinkedIn

If you are a premium member, LinkedIn has an expanded version of the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” page.  There will be no 90 day cutoff and you will be able to access LinkedIn searches from before that.  You can also see the top searches, the keywords used, and also the geographical areas

Updating Your Profile On LinkedIn

If you are concerned whether or not you are being  found in LinkedIn searches, have a quick look at your profile. Is it as up to date as it should be? Make a list of what you would consider your strengths and add the relevant keywords and experience in your profile.  By knowing how you are being found on this social media site you can amend and tweak your LinkedIn profile with keywords, skills, expertise, recommendations and experience so that you are found for what you want to be.  Ten minutes every week spent on your profile and looking at how you are being found, can really make a difference to how LinkedIn works for you and your marketing.