What is the ideal length of social posts?
Do you ever wonder why your posts on social media aren’t getting the engagement you might like? It can be discouraging when you send out a post and it seems to fall on deaf ears, so to speak. You might post the most interesting photo, article or video, but could you be drowning it out with too much text?
It’s a well known fact that people don’t like reading long, dense paragraphs and their eyes are prone to scan a page as opposed to reading it word for word. In worse case scenario, they don’t acknowledge it or they simply avoid it.
Most Web “readers” are really “browsers.” They like to grasp the meaning of what they’re looking at QUICKLY. Think points, facts, headlines and create your content so it’s “snackable” — bite-sized chunks that give the information they’re looking for as their eyes sweep down the page.
Twitter: Why only 140 characters per tweet?
Have you ever wondered why Twitter only allows you to post a maximum of 140 characters per tweet?
According to Twitter founders Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey, “We’re fond of constraints that inspire creativity.”
This got us wondering…What is the ideal length of a blog post, Facebook update, Email subject line, Google+ posts, Hashtags…
No engagement on your posts doesn’t necessarily mean what your posting is boring and ungainly. Have you ever considered that it might be because your posts are just simply too long?
Every piece of content should be as long as it takes to convey the message, and no longer. Here in our latest social media tips blog, we feature a neat infographic from Sum All, which will give you a better idea of how long each social post should be.
We don’t want to contradict ourselves and overdo the length of this blog. We feel the infographic speaks for itself! If you want to know more about any aspect of digital marketing, you can get in contact with our digital marketing specialists – we’d be delighted to help!