Fairy Blogmother has prompted me to get this article on getting the most out of your business blog out today
She covers some key points in the article about blogging for your business – here’s the summary…
1. You need to be aware of business’s blogging needs; this includes explaining how blogging can benefit a business, small or large, to increase its online visibility and its audience on the net;
2. You need to research into why people have blogs (or don’t have blogs); blogs are created for a myriad of uses, business and personal, and therefore have very different styles – alternatively there may be many potential bloggers who need encouragement to start one;
3. You need to understand what blogs are used for, and whether they are used properly; similarly to above, blogs fall under many categories, but you need to understand their purposes to advise on the best practices;
4. You need to explain blogs need to be regularly updated, and to find out whether help is required with writing posts; blogs aren’t really blogs without consistent new material, so ideas for post subjects and writing styles are usually welcome;
5. You need to find out whether bloggers fully understand SEO and explain how keywords can help their blogs; this subject, once properly aired, stimulate a vast change in a blog’s performance towards its success;
6. You need to check whether they have they fully optimised sidebars; so many blogs have neglected sidebars and don’t use their widgets adequately, mainly because they don’t understand or appreciate their functions;
7. You need to advise on which plugins they need; for blogs these applications help enhance the blog’s performance to further it towards popularity and success;
8. You need to talk about integrating their blog’s design with their website or corporate image; using the myriad of themes available, some of which can be adapted or redesigned to match an existing style or personality through specialised blog designers. We do this for our clients.
9. You need to show how to get RSS and see if is it being used to its full extent; once acquired, the online world is opened up to automation of post publishing, feeding to social media and other related websites, and visibly interactive headline links;
10. You need to explain how to integrate blogs with social media; related to above, your blog should be the hub of your social networking strategy, fully optimised to interact with your audience, and present and potential customers.
Great pithy points which are all essential if you want to maximise the huge value a blog can give you. It’s the ideal content hub for all your online activities and, used properly (and OPTIMISED properly!) it will help you rank highly for your keywords.
Writing good blogs is a real skill – if you don’t have someone who can give it the time it needs, talk to a blogging expert. There are plenty of good people doing this, and we list it amongst our social media services.
Any questions?? Let’s get cracking then… 😉