Facebook Marketing

Did you see the recent BBC documentary Inside Facebook?
A most interesting programme on a number of levels, it shows how companies can compete with the likes of Coca Cola, Sainsburys, British Airways… Don’t think that it can be done?  How can you use Facebook marketing to compete with larger companies? What exactly does it mean in terms of local businesses getting in front of their customers?

  • Facebook builds up a loyal following With regular interaction and updates you can build up a loyal “tribe”.
  • Bring your followers in so that they can get your message out Share interesting news with your followers first, and ask their opinion on changes that should be made before you unleash them – your customers are more likely to get your message out if they feel “onboard”. Why does that matter? It’s all about being visible online these days – so that you are found by people looking for whatever service or product you sell. You won’t be found if the search engines don’t register you as active enough in all these online spheres…

How to target Facebook users

According to the programme there are 30 million registered Facebook users in the UK.  Theoretically Facebook gives us access to a vast majority of these. However, the important thing is getting your message out to just a small TARGETED portion of these – if good enough to be shared with their contacts, this will reap benefits for your business. Whether you are a local company in Buckinghamshire with just one office, or a headquarters in London with outlets nationwide, Social Media can be used equally well – it’s a case of thinking intelligently.
So, the challenge for 2012 is exactly that – to think intelligently about how social media can be used to boost your business.