You can tell a discipline is growing up when you have experts such as Brian Solis leading the way with advice on areas such as best practice…
14 best practices for Long term social media success:
Brian Solis is principal of Altimeter Group, a leading research-based advisory firm. Brian is also the author of the all-new Engage!, an award-winning guide for businesses to build and measure success in the social web – in his blog on the 14 best practices for Long term social media success he makes some key points –
Perhaps the most important – do you have a focussed perspective?
The key to zooming in on purpose and usefulness within social channels starts with the realisation that there is no one audience. Nor is there a sustainable market for branded messages, marketing campaigns, or “Tweet/Like to Win” contests.
Indeed, every channel created to represent the brand must carry a purpose, mission and corresponding value.
If that’s the one thing you take from this article, I’d say it was a worthwhile read 🙂
How are you approaching the question of your mission and how it can be translated for the myriad of social media and other communication channels open to us?