Fabulously useful blog by Dan Zarrella, who works for HubSpot and has authored such delightfully nerdy reports as “The Science of ReTweets” over on readwriteweb.com. He  recently hosted a webinar titled “The Science of Timing” that took a close look at how the timing of social media activity impacts its effectiveness – which is something we should all be interested in. After all, it’s no use having a zillion followers on Twitter if you tweet when they’re not listening…
Key takeaways for you:
Tweeting later in the day and later in the week results in more retweets.
The click-through-rate on tweeted links appears to spike in the late morning and then again around 5pm.
The click-through rate on links tends to decline as more links are tweeted per hour. After about six links per hour, click-throughs essentially drop off.
Still, tweeting more frequently leads to more followers, but Facebook is a different story: Too many posts on Facebook can more easily alienate people.
Weekends are an ideal time for sharing on Facebook.
More people tend to open marketing emails in the early morning than any other time during the day. Weekends also appear to be effective for emails.
So with that knowledge to hand, how are you going to use it in your Twitter activity? If you’re not even tweeting regularly during the week or monitoring what’s being said about your business and your sector every single day, there’s no doubt you’re missing real opportunities. Do you still need to be persuaded of that?