Great blog from Julie Weishaar at – why video is the most powerful marketing tool for business today.
Summary :
If you are a business that wants to make themselves heard above the “noise” of your competitors in the hubbub that is today’s business climate, it’s all about about how you stand out – how you make your marketing message exciting, engaging and worthwhile – worth the time it takes for your potential customer to take it in. So, make it short – and make sure it excites the senses!
We are all faced with “information overload”. We want to spend our precious time on worthwhile, satsifying activities, even (and maybe, especially) in the workplace where we’re too busy to trawl through loads of dry text and words. What we want is to be given information quickly, succinctly and in a way we can easily absorb.
Online video is the future, the latest trend, and is rising in popularity. Key indicators point to corporations embracing online video as an essential marketing tool. In an Interactive Marketing study, Forrester Research predicted a compound annual growth rate of 72% to the year 2012 – Online video is expected to grow significantly more than search engine marketing, display ads, and email marketing.
According to a study by eMarketer 190 million people will be watching videos online by 2012.
Your business can benefit by ensuring it’s getting some of those viewers – on your website homepage featuring relevant video content such as a company profile, or a product demo, or a service overview. You can also feature your videos on distribution channels such as YouTube.
What sort of video could you use to grow your business?
Julie Wieshaar’s blog can be read in full here…