“It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.”
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
Company Training Videos
At Saucy Horse we have a team that have been making high quality company training videos since the 1990’s. Nowadays, things have changed in terms of how they’re delivered – now we can use online technology to give our employees and staff access to their training wherever they choose – but what hasn’t changed is the recipe that makes for a training video that delivers the necessary knowledge in a way that not only engages the viewer & the learner – but rewards them for their time and effort.
As a professional video production team, the quality of the training videos we produce is of absolute importance to us, and we’ll ensure that what we deliver represents your company or your organisation in the best possible light. We use experts in their fields for script writing, filming and editing as well as any creative design or graphics elements, because that’s how you ensure the finished product is something to be proud of and does the job it was commissioned to do.
We’ll align the video style and content with everything your business stands for. And we’ll make videos that improve the learning and the knowledge of your teams in a cost effective and resource efficient way.
How we work – view our commissioning a video information here